Thursday, December 30, 2010

Leaving Corporate America for a Higher Calling

To my wife's horror, I left Corporate America (coming up on 2 years) with little more than the shirt on my back--and I was lucky to keep that--to pursue the Writer's Life full-time.

Needless to say, life has been interesting; it has not been boring.

While it wasn't exactly reckless and without a plan, one could argue that I wasn't prepared for the road ahead. One day after leaving C.A., I landed a ghostwriting gig and haven't looked back since. Not to say I haven't been scrambling to keep food on the table...I just know that I did what I had to do. And as long as it is "writing" related, I'll do whatever it takes to keep us afloat.

What I don't want to do (while pursuing ghostwriting, teaching etc.,) is lose track of my own writing. So you might say that my recent re-entry into the world of blogging is to keep my eyes on what really matters.

And my recent journey has convinced me that the "writing life" is a sacred calling and one must never lose sight of that fact. William Stafford referred to writing as his "vocation." Different language, same idea.

If any of this rings true, stay with me...there is more to explore. 

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