Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Students Bash Author's Work Until He Cries Like A Little Baby

While the title of this post is slightly exaggerated, my students read my short story "Stick Figures," and we had a class discussion on its merits. Coming from students that would rather lose their favorite texting thumb as opposed to reading one of my short stories, the response was rather flattering. What do you expect, right? Of course, they're going to say they liked wrote're their instructor. If that's what you're thinking, you don't know my students very well.

They're not short on opinions and they don't give a rat's @ss if I feel flattered or not. What they did manage to do was dig deep and deconstruct the story in a way that was refreshing and left me feeling optimistic for their future. Now if I can only get them to read one of my novels.

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