Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lack vs. Abundance

My spiritual path keeps leading me to the subject of lack...which is ALWAYS connected to fear. If I look around me and see lack, LACK is what I get; if I look around and see abundance, I get ABUNDANCE.

The same goes with writing. How often do we get the idea that once we've written the first novel, we'll never be able to duplicate its success with the second? You'd be surprised as to how many people have that fear before they've even finished that first book. Or that first story. Or that first poem. They have to produce the perfect piece their first time out.

And of course, we all know that that is crazy making. We should stay concerned with the here and now. We should stay in the present. We shouldn't bother ourselves with perfection, and just show up to the page. I alluded to this in an earlier blog when I mentioned "lowering your standards."

When it comes to writing, all that matters is that one sacred word in front of us. Let that one out and wait for the next to follow. One word at a time. One sentence at a time. One paragraph at a time...etc. And by sacred, I don't mean perfect. Lose the idea of perfection. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder and I'm not the one to make that call. I'm just the creator. Of course, if you want to go a little deeper, it's all perfect...even the imperfect...but it's less convoluted when you see the practice of writing as nothing more than sacred...just getting it all down one word at a time.

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